Double-click (mis)behavior

Hi, friends.

After noticing some strangeness on how nautilus interpreted some of my doubleclicks, I decided to test GNOME double-click behavior a bit more deeply. The results follow:

Below, when I mention "quickly as a doubleclick" means that your clicks must be done inside the doubleclick timeout.


- Select an item. Now, quickly as a doubleclick, click on the blank space and then click on the item you've selected. Despite the distance, nautilus would interpret the click as a doubleclick on that item. - Select varius items. Hold Ctrl. Now, quickly as a doubleclick, try to DEselect some entries. Some of the clicks would be interpreted as doubleclicks and the items will not be DEselected. Note that the inverse process (selecting quickly as a doubleclick) works as expected.

It seems that Nautilus interprets doubleclicks regarding the currently selected item instead of the distance between the two clicks. Funny.

These tests were done in Nautilus 2.4.1 (debian unstable archives). In older versions, the behavior was even worse.

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