Re: Some thoughts about extensions and mime types

I'd like to end this thread.  This is the last time I reply.

> What is the difference where you place file description? In extension,
> or inside the file?

I hate repeating myself.  Embedding file type information in the file
name is wrong.  The theoretical difference is simple: it does NOT belong
there.  The practical differences are multiple: 1) users can readily
mess up extensions 2) it can lead to security compromises 3) it's a
legacy thing that has to go away.

How more clearly do I have to explain?

> What I proposed here is fast and secure file type detection. And EAs are
> not OK for it.

According to whom?  Instead of stating the opposite, I invite you to
visit the getfattr(1) man page.

>  Even if you had a secure space in EA (AFAIR XFS has),
> then the access is too slow.

While it's slower than reading the extensions only, it's an acceptable
performance penalty, especially since you'd be fixing so many
inconsistencies and bugs derived from relying on file extensions.  It's
much faster than content detection as well.

>  If it was placed in directory, you get it
> with one open and one seek.

It's not about speed, Olaf.  It's never about speed.  It's about
correctness and robustness.  Who would run around in a fast but
unreliable car?  Would you?  Anyway, for people like you, who tend to
favor speed over correctness, I'm sure developers could embed a GConf
config key (perhaps named
"make_me_vulnerable_to_viruses_and_breal_my_nautilus") that lets you
have your broken software.

> > 
> > This is definitely not the UNIX way.  EAs already have transaction
> > atomicity.
> But they are not usable (too slow) for this.

I still don't know why this myth keeps repeating itself.  It's faster
than content sniffing.  That's fast enough for me.  Even now, with
content sniffing enabled, I feel Nautilus fast. 

If people want faster, see above about the gconf key.

I'm running around in circles.

> > > 
> > > 
> > > Regards,
> > > 
> > > Olaf
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > -- 
> > 	Manuel Amador (Rudd-O)
> > 	GPG key ID: 0xC1033CAD at
	Manuel Amador (Rudd-O)
	GPG key ID: 0xC1033CAD at

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