How can I install a custom emblem for my extension?

Thanks to Dave Camp's nautilus-vcs project as the reference, I've started working on a nautilus-ifolder extension that will eventually make calls to iFolder's Web Service using gsoap. I'm wondering, however, how to install a custom emblem to show whether a particular folder is an iFolder. I can place my ifolder-emblem.png file in $HOME/.icons/gnome/48x48/emblems/ but then that only works for the one user. Unless I write some other code which does a check at extension startup time and does the copy, is there any other way to install a custom emblem?

I see that there's a private function nautilus_emblem_install_custom_emblem() defined in nautilus-emblem-utils.c. Could that function be exposed in the extension API?

For anyone who's interested in the code for nautilus-ifolder, it's checked in under the "ifolder" project on

Here's a direct link into the nautilus-ifolder module: nautilus-ifolder/


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