Re: spatial nautilus proposal


On Fri, 08 Oct 2004 12:43:59 +0200, Elia Cogodi <eliacogodi tin it> wrote:


> > The Desktop will be the root of all window objects.Actually to access
> > to some of the Desktop properties we have to right click into it!But a
> > Panel applet could provide the same functionalities!So that, again, no
> I don't see all this need to avoid contextual menus. If used
> consistently they are a very clear interface to directly manipulating
> the underlying object.

I partially agree with you.
I think that we've to maximize the direct mapping visual paradigm.
I can manage what I can see.I can manipulate directly every objects that I see.
Think in terms of real objects.
Did you have the equivalent of context menu in the real world?
Pratically you can manipulate the real world just with the tools that
you can directly see.
Context menus are very useful...but they are hidden before you random
push onto your mouse.
Using a one button mouse you can emulate right click using a meta key
like Ctrl or Alt or what else you need.
My past post was related just to promote the use of one button mouse
(I forgot to mention before...sorry!).
M$ introduced 2 button mouse just to differenciate from Mac, just
because it's old marketshare was the post corporate IBM technician
marketshare (they have help desks, manuals, they try to explore the
boundaries of the functionality of their tools to maximize the daily
productivity...).Unix 3 button mouse was introduced to provide 
powerful control against CAD and graphically Unix workstations...But
the features behind 'more than one button mouse' are hidden to the
first time users (my mother, my granmother, my sons, etc etc), why
we've to force them to understand complexity?Computers are just

> Still, I can see that at the moment the nautilus file menu is quite
> unlogically composed of actions that work on the selected files inside
> this folder (like Open), of actions that work on this folder (like
> Close) and of actions that don't really have a target (like Open
> Location or Connect to server).
> Probably having as first menu a Folder menu with all the actions for
> this folder, and as second the File menu with only the actions attaining
> to the selected files would be much clearer.
> Having the all-comprising File menu as first makes sense for an
> Application that works on documents. But since we're talking spatial
> here, why should we keep this relic?

ok I agree.

But what I think is that Nautilus must provide the super class where
all other objects could inherit from it.
Image that every objects inherits the same nautilus menu bar.Or they
inherits just the part of the menu bar that is usefull to manage this
In this way you have a very consistent approach to provide the same
manipulation paradigm across the objects (image gthumb, gedit,
oowriter,rythmbox with the capability to manage general object
properties  like could be nautilus...).


Luca Cappelletti

Luca Cappelletti

"...Together we stand, divided we fall."


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