Re: [PATCH] Treat clicks in list view on other columns than sort column as background click

Am Montag, den 01.08.2005, 20:34 +0200 schrieb Martin Wehner:
> I agree with Shaun: It's very confusing. I have many folders sorted by
> size for example, and so I'd have to hit the small size column to make
> it select a file. Plus there's no intuitive connection between the
> sort
> column and it being the column to use for selections. If I didn't knew
> how it works, it would have taken me several minutes to figure it out.
> It might work for the name column though (like Explorer does it), I
> guess people think of the name + icon as "the file". Perhaps we should
> try that out in the 2.14 cycle and see if people get used to it.

cant you make the status behave like background?

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