Re: [PATCH and PROPOSAL] Fix .desktop files

On Tue, 2005-01-18 at 22:58 +0100, Luca Ferretti wrote:
> The new panel manu layout (Application/Places/Desktop) has some
> influence in/from nautilus:
>      1. Places->Home is fetched from nautilus-home.desktop. Here the
>         used icon is "gnome-home" but it should be "gnome-fs-home"
>      2. The File Browser entry is now hidden
> Proposed fix
>      1. Use "gnome-fs-home"
>      2. Edit to put this entry in Applications-
>         >Sytem Tools (and add startup notification) as a simple
>         appliacation. Eventually add it under Applications->Accessories
> A patch is attached
> PS no cvs access for me.

I'm not sure why you added startup notification. It doesn't actually
seem to handle that well, at least if nautilus is already running.

Why "Eventually"in Applications->Accessories? Do you think that is a
better place or not? Personally i think both places are a bit hidden for
something like this. But for now I'll apply the patch (without startup

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl redhat com    alla lysator liu se 
He's a one-legged bohemian paranormal investigator on his last day in the job. 
She's an enchanted goth Valkyrie who inherited a spooky stately manor from her 
late maiden aunt. They fight crime! 

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