Re: Nautilus DVD Burning -- Simple but Elusive -- Please help

Daniel Pörsch wrote:
Hi Benjamin,

Benjamin Sher <delphi123 <at>> writes:
I've been trying to burn a DVD using Nautilus CD Burning. It looks so 
simple, yet I can't seem past second base. Here are two screenshots:

Your screenshots confuse me a little bit. In screenshot 1 you show the data you
prepared and want to burn now. Screenshot two shows an empty burn:/// location
and an error message, that you have to copy the files to the CD/DVD creator.
Have you tried this? Maybe the error message is confusing for you. What you have
to do now, is coping the files from /tmp/dvd/Messenger to burn:/// and then hit
"Write to CD". Next would pop up a window where you can enter a CD name and the
burning speed.

The principle is similar to windows xp explorer burning, if you are familiar
with this.

Let me know if this helped or if I misunderstood you!

My current desktop is KDE. So, my first question is: do you have to use 
the Nautilus CD Burning from within Gnome? I could do that, of course, 
if necessary. PCLINUXOS includes the Gnome Control Center and of course 
I use a lot of Gnome applications within KDE.

shouldn't be necessary.

Good luck and best regards!

Dear Daniel:

As I said, this is so simple a 2 year old child could do it, yet seems to stump grown-up. It's the step between the first screenshot and the second that has me completely baffled (if not downright batty). How do I copy all the files to ///burn, when ///burn changes to something else. Could you please guide me step by step, using my screenshots as to what to expect and how to do this. I feel like a cat chasing after its own tail.



Please see new screenshot:

Now I am really confused. I just noticed when opening Nautilus CD Burning a brand new interface. Now I am really stumped. I have no idea how to proceed. And, while I am at it, what is the data 1 MiB all about?

How could something be so simple and yet so frustrating. Hope you can all help.

Thank you so much.


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