Re: Temporarily open folders on drag-and-drop

David Christian Berg wrote:
>As for spacial-mode this is of course a lot more tricky. The easiest
>to work around the patent would be closing the destination window at the
>end of the drag as well, since the patent is very specific about leaving
>it open. Unfortunately this is not all that handy, but I think it is a
>drawback, we are willing to take.

What about this alternate behaviour: parent windows save the first are closed
as soon as a new one is open while the drag continues (basically the drag-over
open would correspond to a left-doubleclick for the first drilldown, and
to a middle-doubleclick for the others). Thus you'd end up with two windows
again: the one you started the drilldown from and the final target. All 
intermediate windows are closed along the way, but still 'in a different
manner' than what specified by the patent :) 
The con is that while you're drilling down this way you can't go back up a 
level easily, unless the drag-to-open over the parent tree widget in the left
bottom corner of windows is also enabled, which could be a good idea anyway.

Elia Cogodi <eliacogodi tin it>

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