Re: technical questions about nautilus views

On Sun, 2006-07-02 at 10:14 -0600, Mark Kegel wrote:
> (1) In the file fm-list-view.h under the defines there is this line:
> #define FM_TYPE_LIST_VIEW               (fm_list_view_get_type ())
> I can't seem to find the function that is referenced here
> (fm_list_view_get_type). Where is this function actually
> defined? I know that is has to do with GObject stuff, but
> where is the function actually defined?

This is auto-generated inside fm-list-view.c where it says

> (2) Where does the function:
> static void
> fm_list_view_init (FMListView *list_view)
> get called from? I can't find anywhere where it could possibly be
> getting called from and yet I know that it is. This is really important
> since I may need to modify this function, and I need to understand
> how this function works, and where it is getting called from.

This is called from inside the GObject system.  It is called to
initialize the instance of the object.

/ Cody

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