Name of the ISO image being burned in "Writing image" progress dialog

Hello there,

I'd have some suggestions/wishes concerning the "Writing (ISO) image to
DVD" progress dialog.

(for CDs the dialog is most probably the same)

1) What about

"Writing 'foo.iso' to DVD"

in the title/headline of the dialog for writing iso images, instead of the
current generic

"Writing image to DVD"


Or e.g. in the text - "Image 'foo.iso' is being written to ...." instead
of "The selected disc image is being written to a DVD ...."

2) After (succesful) write, the text in the dialog would change from

"Image 'foo.iso' is being written. This operation may take a long time,
depending on data size and write speed."

to something like

"Image 'Foo.iso' succesfully written to disc."

(preferably "Elapsed time xx:xx" also)

Best regards,
Adam Purkrt

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