Re: file delete in nautilus file manager

On 10/16/06, Maik Sinkovec <sinkomai pcgossip com> wrote:
Hello there,

I am running currently Suse 10.0.
If I want to delete a file in the file manger, I only get the option to
move the file into the waste basket. Is there a keyboard combo or an option
that can be enabled to actually delete the file rather than to move the
file into the waste basket and empty the waste basket?
Not sure if this is just a behaviour in the Suse distro or if this is
general. Even though it seems to be just a small thing, it is rather

I don't know if this is a new thing in GNOME 2.16 or just an Ubuntu
patch but when I right click on something I get 'Move To Trash' and
'Delete' as options. I seem to remember being able to hold down shift
and right-click to make 'Delete' show up at some point but I don't
know if that was GNOME or not. :)

Travis Watkins

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