Re: Two performance bugs

Hi Ravi,

I also want to get involved with the code and did some searching for resources for my Summer of Code application.

If you download the source, there are some documents in the "docs" folder you may find useful.

~/Desktop/nautilus- $ ls
architecture.txt             recommended-books.html
dnd.txt                   nautilus.faq            smoketests.html
key_mouse_navigation.txt  nautilus-internals.pdf  state-machines.txt
load-states.dia           nautilus-internals.sxw  style-guide.html               nautilus-io.txt

I'm not sure how up-to-date everything is, but the nautilus-internals.pdf by Alexander Larson was quite informative.

Also, check out:

I think it's more up-to-date than the project page (

Haven't actually dove in to the code yet. (Still working on finishing the last couple weeks of school.)

Hope that helps.


Ravi Kumar wrote:
moreover, try it in mozilla firefox, type the /usr/bin url , and it pretty much quickly shows all.
This is real performance bug.

I think, there could be a way.
Just to show all the files with a default gnome icon, and then, the process behind will parse the filetype magic bytes and updates the icons which are visible in viewport. When completed, it will go forward.

I want to get involved into nautilus development, but i failed to find any information on howto. Things were more confusing than suggesting on webpage/GNOME./

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