Re: [PATCH] Add functions for looking up drive/volume for file, use it in FMDirectoryView+FMPropertiesWindow

On Thu, 2006-12-21 at 22:33 +0100, Christian Neumair wrote:
> The attached patch adds proper volume/drive handling caps to Nautilus.
> It ensures that users can operate on both the selection and the menu for
> the currently displayed location.
> It also prevents Nautilus from displaying "Unmount" when the
> drive/volume requires ejection anyway, because they are identical in
> that case.
> I didn't do any profiling, but I hope the lookup doesn't slow down
> Nautilus signifcantly.

I have a small complaint about your patch submissions. When you propose
a behavioural change like this, can you explain a bit better exactly
what behaviour you are proposing. I can (and do) read the patch to map
backwards to what you want to achieve, but it would be better if I
didn't have to, and often the discussing the behaviour is far more
important than the details of the code.

This patch seems to add unmount/mount/eject operations to the menus
whenever you're displaying a mountpoint (doing this by comparing uris
with all mountpoints). Do we really want unmount operations for /
and /tmp (if thats e.g. a tmpfs mount)? Also, for unmount/eject, doesn't
it make more sense to have that availible wherever you are inside e.g. a
cdrom, and not only at the toplevel?

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl redhat com    alla lysator liu se 
He's a benighted gay matador whom everyone believes is mad. She's an enchanted 
foul-mouthed safe cracker with her own daytime radio talk show. They fight 

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