Re: Column view update & issues

At 12:52 PM -0600 3/15/07, Trevor Davenport wrote:
For the last two weeks I've been implementing a column view for nautilus.  Most things are working well at this point with mostly hooking up preferences and a just discovered drag and drop issue and the issues in this email left before all functionality is basically working and just bug fixing and tweaking. It's to a point where I am using it now as my default view. The real difficulty in implementing a column view is the fact that FMDirectoryView seems to be more designed for view that only show a single directory at a time.  This used to always be the case but since the combined list/tree view it no longer is.  When the new listview was implemented some functionality was added so that multi-directories views could exist.


A few months have passed since the above message has been posted. So, I just download the current trunk of nautilus from svn and installed on my ubuntu feisty. Now I am using nautilus 2.19.5, but it still does not offer the column view.

Thus I wanted to know whether the column view is still something that is going to come to nautilus? (Of course without the features that could have issues with patents; for example spring-loaded folders.)

Or maybe it is already available, but it is me, who does not know how to get and install it?

In any case, thanks in advance for any uptodate information about the column view.

Francesco Fumanti

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