Re: Column view update & issues & tabs

At 5:50 PM +0200 3/28/07, Alexander Larsson wrote:
On Sun, 2007-03-25 at 13:18 +0200, Francesco Fumanti wrote:
 > I realise that creating tabs will probably imply another another non
 negligible amount of coding. Could you please tell me what you think
 about the tabs idea?

We have avoided adding tabs to nautilus. It makes the UI and the
interaction model quite a bit more complicated,

Considering that today the tabs are present in mainstream applications like Firefox, it is not something new for the user; so the statement that it is to complicated could be discussed; but that is not my intention here. (By the way, when has the decision been taken to avoid tabs; maybe it is outdated in the meantime.)

But you are right in the sense that people should not be obliged to use tabs. In Firefox for example, it is without problems possible to work with multiple windows; there are two radio buttons to specify whether a new page should open in a new tab or in a new window.

But let us assume that you are right and it is to complicated. Assuming moreover that tabs will be optional as in Firefox, and that the default setting would be not to use the tabs, there would be by default no change in the usage of nautilus; however more advanced users could enable the tab functionality if they want it.

especially when using
spatial mode (what does a tab even mean in that model?).

Sorry; unfortunately I don't know what you mean by "spatial mode". Could you please explain to me what it means; I might then be able to understand you.

Have a nice day.


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