Re: User feedback 2


Am Dienstag, den 12.08.2008, 07:24 +0200 schrieb Bernard Lidicky:
> I have a suggestion about searching. It would be nice to have
> an editbox for searching in current folder. Maybe it could be
> positioned left from the gnome icon in the toolbar. Who knows.
> Well, the current solution when there is an icon which changes
> the current address to Search: [editbox] is fine too.
> But I miss the response to the search as I type. See for example
> rythmbox. As you type to the search the search result changes.
> It makes the search more powerful. Usually I do not know how much
> from the name I search has to be typed. So please consider the
> on the fly searching.

feel free to file an enhancement bug in
On a related note, GNOME often provides type ahead search (if you start
with the first letter of the file/folder you want to find, starting
somewhere in the middle won't work). So you can just start typing if
focus is set to the folders list in nautilus.

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