Re: [PATCH] Use labels instead percentages for zoom levels

Il giorno sab, 12/01/2008 alle 22.30 +0100, Luca Ferretti ha scritto:
> Now that Nautilus is using fixes sizes for zoom levels/icon sizes[1],
> what about use strings instead percentage to describe the current zoom
> level? Please also note the the percentages listed in Preferences dialog
> don't respect actual sizes...
> Here is a patch to perform this change:

      * I forgot to add translator comment in
        nautilus_get_string_icon_size_for_zoom_level, sorry
      * Tango "blessed" size is 22 pixel, not 24 (OK to change?)
      * GNOME artists are going do draw high-res icons at 128 pixel:
        Nautilus should render them at this size to respect their work..

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