Re: Nautilus Space Mock-up

On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 11:03 PM, Matthew Paul Thomas <mpt myrealbox com> wrote:
Achim Frase wrote on 02/06/08 13:30:
> To my mind, the bars should show how big the files are, in relation to
> the folder size.

That's is an interesting idea.

It's another way of presenting size. So how about making it part of the
"Size" column, instead of a separate column?

I don't think this mock up idea improve real usability providing relative values feedback.
My users does not need to know a file folder relative weight distribution, they need to know only how big is an object so that they know how to manage relative to their real container (the disk).
The bar information does not provide a real value added if shows how big the file is against the sum of it's folder container.
Who needs this and what they do with this value?
A part this opinion I think the graphical solution is real nice :) but seems to me unusable.



Luca Cappelletti

"...Together we stand, divided we fall."


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