Re: move open folders to current Workspace upon activation?

Could someone tell me whether it's Nautilus or Metacity that is in control of this behaviour?

On Mon, 2008-04-07 at 18:13 -0400, j kanem wrote:
>Before Gnome 2.22 in spatial-Nautilus if I attempted to open a folder which was already open on a Workspace other than the >one I was on, the open folder was moved to the current Workspace. Now the open folder stays on the Workspace it was on and >the only indication I get that anything at all has happened is a throbbing button in the Window List which, if I click on it, moves >me to the Workspace which contains the open window. If a user doesn't have a Window List, there's no sign that their action >of double-clicking the folder has done anything.
>I'm getting this behaviour in the (up to date) development versions of Fedora 9 and Ubuntu 8.04.
>Is this the intended behaviour? Is there some option that I've missed (I have looked) which gets the old behaviour back?
>I like the old behaviour because
>a) I expect to see an open window as soon as I try to open one. Having to perform the default action and then also click >somewhere in the Window List is slow.
>b) I often don't want to utilize the folder on the Workspace in which it is already open, which is why I'm not already using it >there. With the current behaviour I have to go to the Workspace where the open window is, close the window, go back to the >Workspace in which I want to be and re-open the folder. A bit faster is going to the Workspace where the window is, and use >the window manager menu to move the window to another workspace, but this is still slow.
>Thanks for any info

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