Re: [PATCH] Same filesystem drag-and-drop of a readonly file should gracefully degrade to a "copy"

On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 6:37 PM, Ales Smrcka <smrcka fit vutbr cz> wrote:
> Changing only the emblem of the dragged cursor is ok for me too, but if
> someone needs to know what is happening with his/her system, the info
> dialog would be nice. Moreover, there is always room for "Don't show
> this dialog again" checkbox, which IMHO should be in every info dialog.

I think this is against the Gnome HIG or at least the philosophy, as
then the user is clueless as to how to enable that dialog again should
they find it useful in the future or have accidentally checked it.
Although, one could argue that is only because it isn't a technique
used often, and you could use a central gconf folder to collect these
binary checkboxes, with symlinks to appropriate application folders,
to aggregate this.

Mike Rooney
mrooney gmail com

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