Re: Nautilus vs gnome-shell and the future

Cosimo Cecchi skrev:
On Fri, 2009-12-04 at 12:09 +0100, Alexander Larsson wrote:
On Fri, 2009-12-04 at 10:37 +0100, John Stowers wrote:
This is a slight change in focus for nautilus, as its now to a
degree used when the user wants to do more complex file
operations. I think with this we can feel more confident that
for instance the split-view branch would fit better into
nautilus. Another thing is that we have more screen space now by
default, which I'd like to use to do a more expressive UI.
Speaking of UI changes, it would be great to see Cosimo's toolbar
branch [1], or something similar, make it into the default install.
would hopefully allow uses of nautilus like [2].


Yes, i'm interested in getting this in and looking at simplify the
default toolbars. However, i have not gotten a ping from cosimoc that
the changes are ready for review yet, so i haven't looked at it. (In
fact, last i asked it was not ready.)
(Note that most of the initial code for this has been written by Marcus
Carlson, so credits go to him first :))

Actually the credit should go to Christian Neumair who did the really initial code - I just brought it up to date :)
It's still not ready for review, and honestly I don't think I will have
time to work on it during this cycle, as I'm deep into my university
John, if you or anyone else want to jump in and help with the code,
that's obviously appreciated and warmly welcomed!
So, if any of you is interested in working on this, feel free to ping me
on IRC or by mail for an overview of the changes that still needs to be

I'd like to help out, but I didn't have enough skills last time to pull i through - but maybe with some help...?


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