Re: trying to get simple patch to work


On Sat, 2009-03-21 at 20:59 -0700, monguin61 wrote:
> When I run configure, I get the output shown below. Obviously I need some
> libraries, but none of them are found by apt-get. Can anyone direct me to
> some kind of explanation of what is required to compile Nautilus, and how I
> can get it?

> I'm using Ubuntu 8.04, running Nautilus, and I guess the version of
> Nautilus I'm compiling is the currently available one, 2.26.0.

The fact that you only guess isn't good - You should know what you're
doing. You might get the (newer) versions of the libraries that are
required from the same place where you got your nautilus 2.26.0 (?)

>  I'm pretty
> new to everything in linux, so I may need some baby steps. Any help is
> appreciated.

Then it's the wrong mailing list, and for example gnome-love would be
more appropriate...

Proposal: Patch and compile Nautilus 2.22 instead of 2.26, so you don't
run into all these dependency issues.

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