Re: using gtk from nautilus plugin

You're welcome :). About obtaining debugging info from terminal, I think you should quit Nautilus first (nautilus -q) then launch it (nautilus --no-desktop). However, I'm not sure whether nautilus will respawn or not when you quit it. If it did respawn, I think you should edit /usr/share/applications/
nautilus.desktop as follows (A backup of it would be a good idea):
* Replace "X-GNOME-AutoRestart=true" with "X-GNOME-AutoRestart=false"
* Comment this line out "X-GNOME-Autostart-Phase=Desktop" by "#" at the beginning of the line. Actually I forgot why I did this but this how my is my configuration :).
* Add this line "AutostartCondition=GNOME /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop"
* Finally, I think you should restart your session, then try quitting and launching again.

Credits go to wrc1944 from [1] for the respawning solution.

Hope this will help you and good luck ...

Ahmad Sherif


On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 9:33 PM, Nils Andresen <andresen nils googlemail com> wrote:
2010/8/22 Ahmad Sherif <ahmad sherif public gmail com>:
> gtk.MessageDialog is not working with your code because the fifth argument
> has to be either string or None, and the variable name is of type
> nautilus.FileInfo, ...
You're great. Thanks.

> I think you could've obtained such debug info if you launched Nautilus from terminal.
I tried that, however I did not get it to work.
I found one place that stated to debug I'd need:
 mkdir /tmp/testing
 export TMPDIR=/tmp/testing
 nautilus --no-desktop
But I never got any messages...
If you have any advice in this regard, I appreciate it..

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