small suggestion

hello dear.

i just want to ask if developers of nautilus can do this for us

well... the picture will explain well...

(The picture that i did is modified, just to explain what nautilus must looks like)


when we are in list mode, we can not select multiple items that are simulated like in the pictre

when we try to do this, it just grab the item selected and moves it !!!

in windows explorer we can do that in list mode because there is a small space between the board and the items

here is the screenshot from windows explorer and you will understand what i wanna say (I hope...)

so, I think that it's clear now

if some one didn't understand what i wanna say, just try it yourself and you will get it

i hope that we will see this fonction in the next update of nautilus...

thank you for understanding me

i'm sorry for my bad english

best regards, Rostom

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