Re: How does Nautilus create thumbnails?

On Sun, 31 Mar 2013 10:57:59 +0200, Daniel Karch wrote:

Hello all,

I am using Gnome 3.6 on openSUSE Linux and would like to know how
Nautilus creates thumbnails once it encounters a file that does not
have one yet. Specifically, it is not creating thumbnails for RAW
images (DNG files and Olympus ORF files), while they are created for
many other file types (JPEG, PNG, ...). I have looked for solutions
on the internet, and some say I should create the file
/usr/share/thumbnailers/raw.thumbnailer, and others propose to create
an entry with gconftool-2.
I have done both, to no effect. On the command line, I can create
thumbnails with ufraw-batch without problem.

What is the 'official solution' to my problem?
Something my be broken here. I installed the gnome-xcf-thumbnailer
package, yet nautilus isn't showing thumbnails for XCF images.

This is GNOME 3.6


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