Scanning with wireless

Hey all, I have a Netgear MA101 usb wifi device.  If I specify a network
name, the connection sets itself up quite fine, however, I get the
following warning if I run NetworkManager --no-daemon

NetworkManager: <WARNING>         (): Warning: the wireless card (wlan0)
requires too much time for scans.  Its driver needs to be fixed.

While I do agree that its driver is quite crappy, it *does* support
scanning, of sorts.  I can load up Wifi-Radar ( ) And it scans just fine.

I use the at76c503 drivers, and I have to pass the following in modules.conf

options at76c503
options at76c503 scan_min_time=20
options at76c503 scan_max_time=500

Is there any chance of being able to set the scan times with NetworkManager?

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