NM_MAIN 1.325

I previously wrote

Bug. NM does not seem to be able to determine the active device. My wireless device is not marked as active but it is working fine. An artifact of this bug is that hovering over the panel icon always shows 100% link quality. 'iwconfig eth1' shows the correct link quality.
Yes, the panel icon is not updating the link quality but I think the 
reason I gave above is wrong. In NM_stable, I recall the function 
'nm_device_update_signal_strength' was called about every 2 seconds to 
begin the update process. Inserting a syslog line at the beginning of 
this function shows that it is only being called once when NM first 
starts but not afterwards. My conclusion about active device is probably 
wrong. When the function is being called the wireless device is probably 
not active. So the question is, why isn't this function being called 
every few seconds?
Bill Moss
Professor, Mathematical Sciences
Clemson University

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