Re: Nearly there

jim lawrence wrote:
On 4/4/06, Antony Gelberg <antony wayforth co uk> wrote:

Hi all,

I'm trying to configure NM for a customer.  He has a laptop with an
ipw2200, and is running Ubuntu Dapper (NM 0.6x).

We finally got it running after
pointed out that we needed to prune existing config from
/etc/network/interfaces.  Not a gripe, but it would be great to point
this out somewhere (unless it's in the docs and I missed it in which
case I apologise).

It works fine with an Ethernet connection.  However, when the wire is
pulled out, the icon goes red, but there is no question regarding moving
to the wireless which is nearby, and which is detected by Kismet.

How can I debug this?  I am new to NM and don't exactly have an in-depth
knowledge of dbus and hal.

NetworkManager-list mailing list
NetworkManager-list gnome org

service NetworkManager stop
NetworkManager --no-daemon
I used that option to find out why the service was being killed
(see my explanation above).  I'll give it a go when I get a chance, and
hopefully it will come up with something.  Thanks.

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