Re: NetworkManager and rt2x00

On 12/4/06, Sam Morris <sam robots org uk> wrote:
I have being trying to get NM talking to my Ralink card. NM is able to
scan for my (WEP-protected) wireless network, but it seems it never
associates with it.

I am using the rt2x00 driver (*NOT* the legacy rt2500 driver) which I think
has support for the wireless extensions API. The information about
supported hardware at <> seems
to be talking about the legacy rt2{4,5,6}00 drivers and not the new rt2x00

Anyway, here's what I get while trying to assocaiate with my network:


Interestingly, I did manage to get associated once, by manually running
'iwconfig wlan0 ap 00:30:BD:FD:B7:87'. After a couple of hours, however,
NM popped up and said that I had been disconnected, and since then I
haven't been able to repeat the trick.

So, I'd appreciate if someone could tell me whether I need to fiddle with
NM, or take this to the rt2x00 forum. :)

Sam Morris

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While I am not an expert I do see a lot of strange messages and it
doesn't look like the card is even able to associate:
Dec  4 19:04:20 xerces NetworkManager:
<information>^Iwpa_supplicant(2730): wpa_driver_wext_associate
Dec  4 19:04:20 xerces NetworkManager:
<information>^Iwpa_supplicant(2730): Association request to the driver

Two questions:
1) Can you associate by stopping NetworkManager and bringing up
WPA_Supplicant manually?

If you need instructions on doing this I can provide them

2) The older rt2x00 drivers support WEP and unencrypted networks and
since you are only using WEP wouldn't it be better to step back and
use those drivers since they seem to work?

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