Re: Limit on number of APs? Some way to force-rescan?

Quoting Dan Williams <dcbw redhat com>:

Actually, it does.  When you drop the menu down, NM schedules a scan in
a very short period of time, and reduces the inter-scan interval to 20s.
When you haven't touched the menu for a while, it pushes the scan
interval out to 20 minutes or something like that.

Well, I just moved locations.  Now I see 23 APs.  the first 12 are
IETF66B.  Then #13-19 are IETF66A.  Then #20-23 are ESSID "".  But
the only item I see in the nm-applet dropdown is IETF66B.  (I'm
still getting my list from iwlist ath0 scan).

It looks like the scan list returns 15 APs, so in an area of 25-50 APs, a directed scan will often be required.

Yes; wireless is inherently unreliable and you may not get every AP on
every scan for various reasons.  You never will, even with 'iwlist ethX
scan', even executed multiple times.  It Just Doesn't Work That Way.  So
what NM does is collect scan results and age them; an AP is removed from
the NM scan list when it hasn't been seen in a scan for 6 minutes, which
is > 3 scan requests.

Wireless scans are never complete or reliable on _any_ platform.

But does NM pull ALL the data from the scan results?  Or is it
truncated.  It FEELS like it's only pulling down the first N-kb
of the scan results.

Is the scan logged anywhere by NM?


      Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
      Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
      URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
      warlord MIT EDU                        PGP key available

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