Re: Using Separate Keyring

Jon Nettleton wrote:
I think he is talking about the application acl dialog box, not the
password dialog.  This should happen once for each keyring item that is
accessed by nm-edit.  Selecting always allow should work so you are
never prompted to allow nm-edit to that keyring key again.  I started
work on a better way for gnome-keyring to handle multiple requests, but
have been pulled away from it.
I don't know how the gnome-keyring backend works, but it would be 
super-handy if access to key items could be allowed by blanket access to 
their parent keyring.
If nm-applet owns the cookie jar, from a user point of view, it 
shouldn't need to ask for access each of the cookies. Perhaps there is 
some technical reason why gnome-keyring couldn't do this.

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