Re: NM Connection Problem

Hey Jim,

NM uses a local caching nameserver (named) for DNS resolution, so your setup looks correct... NM tells named about the DNS servers supplied by the AP via D-BUS (messagebus). If named can't find an IP in the local cache, it will contact the DNS servers provided by the AP.
However, there could be complications because of this. You should be 
running the messagebus and named services for things to work properly. 
You might want to check that both of these are running. On my machine (I 
run FC5 also) NM will automatically start the named service before it 
starts (if named was not already running.)
So, it sounds like you are having other problems... What is NM reporting 
in your logs (/var/log/messages)?

Jim Webb wrote:
I'm having a problem with NM-0.6.4-1 on FC5 on a ThinkPad T42 w/ipw2100. I am able to connect to an AP and when I view the Active Connection Info I see all the appropriate info for a valid connection. When I attempt to open my browser it eventially times out with a message "the connection was reset while the page was loading..." While attempting to troubleshoot the problem I noticed that /etc/resolv.conf contained the following:
# generated by NetworkManager, do not edit!

; Use a local caching nameserver controlled ny NetworkManager

search <my domain>


But, the Active Connection Info shows a different IP address for the Primary DNS, instead of LocalHost.
Is the resolv.conf file being correctly constructed?  Or, is there a 
place where this can be configured?
Thanks for any assistance...


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