Re: Group rekeying NetworkManager+wpa_supplicant+ndiswrapper

Dan Williams wrote:
Hmm, should NM kill the connection when this happens, or what?  You  may
want to check with a normal wpa_supplicant run (I think Darren had some
instructions for this) to be sure that it's not wpa_supplicant or the AP
being stupid.  Sometimes new AP versions have problems (like the v5
WRT54GS ones with VxWorks).
Well, either NM should see that there is something wrong with the 
connection, _or_ wpa_supplicant shouldn't bother with a key index 
number, I am not sure about that (and I am not sure about the security 
implications either). I am not a bright light in that field, just a 
'user'. In my opinion, if wpa_supplicant can't reconnect, NM should try 
to reestablish the connection (which it doesn't at this time).
About the AP, I just bought this one, this is v7 (I believe atheros 
firmware/chipset) of the WRT54G.  There is no newer firmware available 
at this time for the AP. Because it works correctly under Windows XP 
with key renewal, I am not sure the error is in the AP. Then again, 
Windows has been known to not follow specs in the past, so...can one be 
sure ? ;)
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