Re: NetworkManager firewall policy

On 4/3/07, Ritesh Raj Sarraf <rrs researchut com> wrote:

Network Manager might be an elegant solution to basic network management.

But are there any policies on how network manager handles firewall policy?

For example, in a scenario like:

1) When accessing at home I want ssh port allowed.
2) When at office, I want rdp allowed.
3) When outside, don't allow anything.

I can set a generic firewall policy to block/allow connections but for
specific connections how does network manager handle firewalling policies ?

Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."
"Stealing logic from one person is plagiarism, stealing from many is
"The great are those who achieve the impossible, the petty are those who
cannot - rrs"

At this time Network-Manager does not have a Firewall/IPtables plugin
(Though that would be a great addition), but you can use
NetworkManagerDispatcher and whereami to update your iptables rules
when you connect.

Networkmanagerdispatcher will run scripts after an interface comes up
or goes down, more specifics and examples on it are available in the
man page or from searching the archives.

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