Re: Bugs everywhere!

On 4/21/07, beerfan <beerfan gmail com> wrote:
I'll try to keep this constructive though. Some Xorg configurators
have a database of monitors for modelines and such info. Of course
it's a huge database since most monitors are unique. Couldn't NM keep
a database of non-wext compliant drivers and their related needs and
abstract those differences out somehow? I know nothing about the tech
involved so perhaps that isn't possible, or perhaps ALL drivers are
slowly migrating to your ideal standard. If this isn't the case
though, NM will never "Just Work".
Most modern Xorg configurators don't do this. Most modern Xorg
configurators read the EDID data from standards-compliant monitors.

If you think NM should do what you want, how about you be responsible
for collecting all of that information? I know I don't want to; and I
highly doubt the developers want to take time away from developing new
features to make it work with $INSERT_RANDOM_BROKEN_WIRELESS_CARD.

Anyway, ALL drivers *should* be migrating to the 'ideal standard'-
insofar as using the standard kernel wireless interface is an 'ideal

- Patrick Bogen

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