Re: USB Interfaces

On Fri, 2007-10-26 at 11:12 +1000, Grahame Jordan wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having problems with my usbnet interfaces.
> NetworkManager connects the first usb0 interface OK. When I connect the 
> second usb1 usb1 comes up but it disables usb0.
> I want to run multiple ubsx interfaces simultaneously. These devices 
> have a dhcp server on board so ip address is supplied.
> Additionally
> The /etc/resov.conf gets overwritten buy these new interfaces.
> The default route is also reset to these interfaces.
> These devices are only gadgets so there is no need for resolv.conf and 
> default route to be changed here.
> How can I configure these to behave themselves?

NM 0.6.x doesn't support multiple interfaces up and active at the same
time.  That's planned for 0.7 but isn't implemented yet, though it's the
next-highest priority.


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