Re: Connection problems with wpa_supplicant already running

Daniel Qarras wrote:

this is a weird failure scenario with current SVN trunk but I am able
to reproduce it every time so I'm wondering is this a local hickup or
what. I'm using Fedora 8 + latest updates + NM SVN trunk. The problem

When starting up NetworkManager, wireless connection can't be
established. I found out that I need to stop NM, stop running
wpa_supplicant (started during boot while networking was being started)
and then start NM and all works well. What is weird that if I restart
NM then everything still works (even though w_s was running). After
testing it seems that there are connection problems only if 1)
wpa_supplicant is already running when starting NM and 2)
wpa_supplicant was not started by NM (but while doing "service network

This probably sounds weird but I'd like to know is there something
wrong in my system or is this a general problem?
Well the simple answer is that NM executes wpa_supplicant itself and 
supplies appropriate arguments so you either have the NM daemons running 
(which allows the applet to appear and be used) or you stop them and 
start the wpa_supplicant daemon.
Having all three daemons running together is a recipe for problems, if 
not actually disaster.


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