Re: Network manager or application, but not both!!!


It sounds like you are running the prerelease Network Manager from the
Network Manager PPA.   I would recommend filing bugs on Launchpad or
posting to this thread on Ubuntuforums:   The Ubuntu
Maintainer does check there periodically.

Specific to the problem you describe I think you are seeing a bug
where NM changes the hostname so X can't launch any new applications.
 If you watch the log do you see the hostname change?


On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 10:30 PM, Ronald Wiplinger (Lists)
<ronald_lists elmit com> wrote:
> Today an automatically upgrade was made (Ubuntu 8.0.4) and thereby the
> Network manager has been again replaced from 0.7 to again another 0.7 (I
> am puzzled about that too, no change of version nubers anymore????)
> Now a bug from 2005 has been re-introduced:
> 1. it connects now to the Internet without asking you for the wireless
> key again (GREAT, see my message from two days ago), but
> 2. as long you are connected, no application can be opened !!!
> Stupid way I could do:
> 1. close the wireless connection
> 2. start skype and pidgen
> 3. reconnect to the wireless again
> Skype and pidgen are working now.
> However, that is not a solution to disconnect to be able to open an
> application (including a terminal to figure out what happens)
> PLEASE hear my prayers and fix it as soon as possible!!!!!
> bye
> R.
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