Re: Mobile broadband connects to wrong USB device


I tend to agree with Ben that alternative/roaming usb serial devices
tend to be a common issue for me, especially usb to serial adapters (I
do networks, so usb to serial console ports are a big thing).  Problem
for me has always been NOT to have my serial console adapter attached in
older versions of ubuntu using pon/poff lest it come up not on ttyUSB0
and 1, but still a relevant issue apparently with a functional NM
handling broadband wwan in ibex.  

I've considered using udev rules to recognize the card specifically and
name it a unique device(s).  I was hoping with changes to NM and hal,
that hal would be able to track which usb devices actually when it roams
(where my card by its usb id or vendor), but alas it still does not.  

Reading this with Ben's issue also being similar to mine, do others
experience the same?  Would it be worth doing so?  Granted the same
could be said for my usb->serial consoles, but seems these should be
made to be a bit less generic than a common serial tty port, or at least
symlink to the right ports dynamically with something more identifiable.



On Tue, 2009-01-06 at 11:02 +1100, Ben wrote:
> Hello, I have a Dell Mini which uses a 5530 mobile wireless card. This 
> works fine with wvdial etc. When I try to add a new wireless broadband 
> connection using Network Manager, I select Vodafone (as they are the 
> provider), and then when I try to connect to it, I can see in the top 
> right where the Network Manager icon is trying to connect, if I move my 
> mouse over it I can see that it says it's trying to connect to USB0, 
> however the wireless card is actually using USB4.
> So, my question is, how can I get behind the scenes of the new network 
> connection to make it try to connect to USB4 (/dev/ttyUSB4) instead of 
> USB0? There doesn't seem to be anything of interest in my ~/.gconf/* dirs.
> Thanks,
> Ben.
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