Re: udev doesn't recognize my gsm dongle

On Mon, 2010-01-04 at 18:02 +0100, Maxime Boure wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> First of all the happy new I wish you all the best.
> I have a problem that is beginning to get to me. I have a 3G dongle
> huawei180.
> I use the usbmodeswitch properly to get it into gsm and not storage.
> I modified as said into the networkmanager main website
> DRIVERS=="option|sierra|hso|cdc_acm|qcserial|
> moto-modem", GOTO="probe" 
> To
> DRIVERS=="option|sierra|hso|cdc_acm|qcserial|moto-modem|
> usbserial_generic", GOTO="probe"
> When I plug it I have the following messages :
> [  212.518524] usb-storage: probe of 1-1:1.0 failed with error -5
> [  212.524719] usbserial_generic 1-1:1.0: generic converter detected
> [  212.531372] usb 1-1: generic converter now attached to ttyUSB0
> NetworkManager: <info>  (ttyUSB1): ignoring due to lack of mobile
> broadband capabilties
> NetworkManager: <info>  (ttyUSB2): ignoring due to lack of mobile
> broadband capabilties
> NetworkManager: <info>  (ttyUSB3): ignoring due to lack of mobile
> broadband capabilties
> NetworkManager: <info>  (ttyUSB0): found serial port (udev:  hal:GSM)
> NetworkManager: <info>  (ttyUSB0): ignoring due to lack of probed
> mobile broadband capabilties
> Can anybody help me to investigate this.

In /lib/udev/rules.d/77-nm-probe-modem-capabilities.rules, change the
lines near the bottom to:

SUBSYSTEM=="tty", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="19d2", ATTRS{idProduct}=="?*", IMPORT{program}="nm-modem-probe --vid 0x$attr{idVendor} --pid 0x$attr{idProduct} --usb-interface $env{NM_MODEM_USB_INTERFACE_NUMBER} --driver $env{NM_MODEM_DRIVER} --delay 5000 --timeout 8000 --export --verbose --log /tmp/probe.log $tempnode", GOTO="nm_modem_probe_end"
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="?*", ATTRS{idProduct}=="?*", IMPORT{program}="nm-modem-probe --vid 0x$attr{idVendor} --pid 0x$attr{idProduct} --usb-interface $env{NM_MODEM_USB_INTERFACE_NUMBER} --driver $env{NM_MODEM_DRIVER} --delay 1000 --timeout 5000 --export --verbose --log /tmp/probe.log $tempnode", GOTO="nm_modem_probe_end"

(ie, add the "--verbose --log /tmp/probe.log" right before $tempnode)

And then unplug and replug the device.  Then reply with the contents
of /tmp/probe.log so we can figure out why the modem fails the probe.


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