2010-June Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
NM cell reconnect fails until PCMCIA eject/insert,
David L
Can't make NM work with local caching DNS resolver,
Robert Nichols
[no subject],
yogesh karpate
[PATCH] [UPDATED] identify mbm modems by GUID,
Jonas =?iso-8859-1?q?Sj=F6quist?=
migrating configurations of nm-applet,
Sergio Monteiro Basto
Compilation issue-Newbie to Networkmanager.,
Sathia Narayanan
dhclient vs dhcpcd selection is broken,
[PATCH] Added factory_reset in the mbm plugin.,
Torgny Johansson
How to attach a config to a specific modem?,
NM + DUN on Fedora-12?,
Derek Atkins
problems with 3g based connections,
van Schelve
[Patch] Add import/export funcionality to OpenConnect plugin,
[PATCH] netconfig exit before waitpid,
Bin Li
Does NM support the C-motech D-50 or C-motech CNU-680?,
Bin Li
ModemManager 0.4 API Documentation ?,
[mobile-broadband-manager-info] [PATCH] germany: add Alice,
Paul Menzel
http://live.gnome.org/NetworkManager: broken link,
Paul Menzel
org.freedesktop.ModemManager.Modem.General: Missing number,
prefer one connection over another,
Benjamin Kay
Network Manager on MeeGo,
Chen Xu
[PATCH] Add factory reset,
David Rochberg
no-auto-default for all?,
Pat Suwalski
Problem in connetting to Wireless,
NetworkManager-openconnect documentation update,
Removing user settings services,
Daniel Gnoutcheff
[no subject],
[patch]NIS support,
Bin Li
X session and hostname changing policy,
nmcli: Automatize connection to encrypted wireless networks,
saraguato gmail com
Re: RS232 GSM Modem - wvdial works,
(modem-manager:15615): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_type_instance_get_private: assertion `instance != NULL && instance->g_class != NULL' failed,
New Mobile Internet Provider : Aircel,
Anish A
[PATCH] identify mbm modems by GUID,
Jonas =?iso-8859-1?q?Sj=F6quist?=
Look for help to devolpe Droid tether in networkmanager,
Jeffrey Glynn
Fedora 13, Qualcomm Gobi 2000, Networkmanager does not show connection status,
Stefan Grosse
Invitation to connect on LinkedIn,
Sanjeev Sharma
Option Icon 322 works -- MANY thanks,
Eric Lee Elliott
[RFC] Get operator id / Get sim info,
Torgny Johansson
wpa_supplicant process although no WiFi adapter is present,
Paul Menzel
Re: Changing Auto-Connect feature,
Dan Williams
[PATCH] Fix suffix for 1900 MHz UMTS,
David Rochberg
UI for dealing with certs appears insecure,
L. David Baron
How to conditionally compile plug-in source file to only support dhcpcd or dhclient?,
Mu Qiao
Failed to build from latest git source: checking for libnl address caching bug... ?,
What does the NM Applet button do?,
James K. Williams
dhcpcd timeout,
Victor Gaydov
Programmatically set the MTU for ALL Ethernet Adapters,
Jeffersen Sylvia
Re: service-provider extension patch,
Dan Williams
Re: Mount on VPN-Connection,
Dan Williams
Re: Question about Network Manager on FreeBSD,
Dan Williams
Re: Source for nmcli,
Dan Williams
Re: IP4Config and routes,
Simon Schampijer
Re: RS232 GSM Modem,
Dan Williams
access to "ppp0" on dbus,
Markus Becker
Re: [RFC] Fast-user-switching plans,
Dan Williams
Re: modemmanager broken?,
Dan Williams
Re: [PATCH] add UnlockRetries property to the modem dbus interface,
Dan Williams
Re: [PATCH 2/2] add imei modem property,
Dan Williams
Re: Looking for advice about using NM with a Sprint U301 modem,
Dan Williams
Re: gsm roaming enabling,
Dan Williams
Re: network-manager 0.8.1-beta2 does not work with isc dhcp-clients 3.1.3 and 4.1.1,
Dan Williams
Re: Internet sharing over multiple interfaces,
Dan Williams
Re: MeeGo support,
Dan Williams
Re: Installation problem with Ubuntu Lynx?,
Dan Williams
Re: Why no refresh option?,
Dan Williams
Re: NM under Fedora-13,
Dan Williams
modem-manager fails on Gobi 2000 UMTS card in a Thinkpad W510, error in AT+CMEE,
Stefan Armbruster
network discovery interval in network manager?,
wireless options not implemented,
Sean D'Epagnier
Re: network-manager 0.8.1-beta2 does not work with isc dhcp-clients 3.1.3 and 4.1.1,
Andrew Pollock
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