Re: The logic behind user/system settings

Ozan Çağlayan a écrit :
> * There's this "Auto ifaceX" default/unremovable connection which is
> Up'ped by default when NM is launched. Okay, it's good to have a
> default profile which will always try hard to bring the machine
> online. But as far as I understand, the connections that I'm adding
> from nm-applet are considered as some sort of user-settings so if that
> specific user which added that connection profile never loggs in,
> should I forcely stick with that automatic dhcp profile? Isn't there
> something like system-wide connections which will take effect when NM
> is spawned?

There is a checkbox in nm-applet to decide whether a connection is
system-wide versus not.

About "Auto eth0" I suspect you can found a number of relevant
discussions in the list archive.

> How can the root user setup a manual connection on his
> server system which doesn't even have a desktop session?

Either through a regular user (using the nm-applet checkbox) or through
one of the plugins.

> * What are the plugins (ifcfg-rh for redhat/fedora for example) for?

This is quite well documented here:

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