Re: ModemManager: [PATCH 1/2] Improvements to SIM PIN handling

On Wed, 2011-10-19 at 15:42 -0400, Eric Shienbrood wrote:

I wonder if we shouldn't keep the change/disable retries separate from
the unlock retries though.  I'm not 100% comfortable with having a
situation where UnlockRetries means one thing if UnlockRequired is this,
and another thing if it's this other thing.  These two operations
(change/disable) don't block the modem from operating, so they are in a
second class.  Which probably merit their own properties instead?  So
the question becomes, as a user, are there any PINs other than SIM-PIN
which the user themselves can change?  If not, then a single u32
property for ChangeRetries would be good.  I know there are other PINs
that can be disabled (SIM-PIN, network block/simlock, etc) so that one
might warrant a dict or an array of { "sim-pin": 4, "ph-net pin": 10 }
etc.  All on the Gsm.Card interface (for 0.5...).



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