Re: Two WLANs with the same SSID but different connection names


Not that nm-applet will show you, however you can use d-feet to look at NM via D-Bus. You can look at the /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection.Connection property which will tell which 'settings' path/dbus object it is connected to.

On 09/19/2012 06:01 AM, Alexander Karlstad wrote:
Den 18. sep. 2012 19:21, skrev Dan Williams:
Also, can you verify from /var/log/messages or /var/log/daemon.log (or
wherever the syslog daemon facility goes) that NM is actually only ever
activating the single connection even if you choose the other one?  NM
prints out exactly which connection it's starting in the logs.

Weird enough, /var/log/syslog tells me that it uses the right connection
with the right cridentials when I select it, but I still get the same
IP, DNS servers and so on. Attaching excerpt from /var/log/syslog when
connecting to the "different" networks in the list.

BTW, is it possible to get nm-applet to somehow show me which of the two
connections I'm connected to? There are no "check signs" or other visual
signs next to the active connection in the eduroam list (as seen in [1]).


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