Adding a connection to a device( to an interface )

Hi All,

        My requirement is something like this,
1. I want  to have another connection with all the IP4 information to an interface/device( say, Ethernet).
2. And the client should be able to reach from outside through this newly added connection on the interface.
3. When there's a change in the active connection, i.e if client disconnects from Ethernet and connects through WiFi, I will be able add this connection( with modification of WiFi settings) to WiFi interface/device.

        I have gone through and used the 'add-connection-libnm-glib.c' in examples/C/glib directory.
Using this I am able to see the newly added connection in nm-applet, but I have to explicitly select that connection to make it active.

4. I am looking for how to make a connection activate with a device, say one of the Ethernet interface. How can I make this newly added connection activate( automatically ) when I add this connection. Here, I want interface's  default connection also activated at the same time.

5. Though I am able to activate the connection by selecting it in nm-applet, I am not able to reach this address from outside, nor the other machines of the same subnet from this client.
     Is there anything to take care in this regard?

Additional Info : OS : Ubuntu-12.04.
                        NM Version : 0.9.4.

Any help on this regard is very much grateful.

Thanks in advance,

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