Re: NetworkManager with multiple RA (radvd failover)

On 2014-01-03 11:22, Pavel Simerda wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Anders Blomdell" <anders blomdell control lth se> To: "Pavel
Simerda" <psimerda redhat com>, "Dan Williams" <dcbw redhat com> 
Cc: networkmanager-list gnome org Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2014
6:38:48 PM Subject: Re: NetworkManager with multiple RA (radvd

On 2013-12-18 08:48, Anders Blomdell wrote:
On 2013-12-18 00:00, Pavel Simerda wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Williams" <dcbw redhat com> To: "Anders Blomdell"
<anders blomdell control lth se> Cc:
networkmanager-list gnome org Sent: Tuesday, December 17,
2013 11:58:34 PM Subject: Re: NetworkManager with multiple RA
(radvd failover)

On Tue, 2013-12-17 at 13:26 +0100, Anders Blomdell wrote:

I'm trying to implement RA failover at my site, but
NetworkManager grabs the first RA it sees to set a (static)
default route with metric 1, and then it sits there even
when the lifetime of this route has expired (and no more 
RA's from that host). Is this a bug or some feature tham
I'm overlooking.
Which version of NetworkManager do you have?  I  know there
were some lifetime issues with previous versions of NM, but
it would certainly be a bug if NetworkManager continued to
leave a default route up when the router's lifetime had
The metric one suggest it's a pre-libndp version. At that time
the route management was rather difficult.

Time to switch to fc20 now, will be back when this is done.
Ok, when running NetworkManager-
default route changes when the lifetime of a (dead) route has
expired. Unfortunately that doesn't help much since old routes to
specific hosts seems to be stuck in the kernel (at least when using
ping6), like this:

2a00:1450:4005:808::1011 via fe80::64:1ff:fe00:2 dev eth0  proto
static metric 1 2a00:1450:4005:808::1013 via
fe80::13:10ff:fe07:1158 dev eth0  proto static metric 1 
2a00:1450:4005:808::1014 via fe80::13:12ff:fe10:1311 dev eth0
proto static metric 1 default via fe80::13:10ff:fe07:1158 dev eth0
proto static  metric 1024

Where 2a00:1450:400f:800::XXXX are different incarnations of

Could keepalived (VRRP) be a solution? What is everyone else
I don't think we need to make things complicated. Metric one routes
are typically added by older versions of NetworkManager. Also, kernel
routes are usually marked so that you can distinguish them. I would
be happy if you could start a bugzilla ticket ( to
track this issue so that we can maintain some resources (like log
output, etc). Please also describe the proces from a clean boot

Thanks a lot!
If you expect this bug/feature to be fixed in trunk, please let me know, and I'll
try to build a new rpm and test that.


Anders Blomdell                  Email: anders blomdell control lth se
Department of Automatic Control
Lund University                  Phone:    +46 46 222 4625
P.O. Box 118                     Fax:      +46 46 138118
SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden

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