Re: NetworkManager 802.1x and gnome credentials

On Sun, 2014-08-31 at 16:20 +0200, Jérémie Vandeville wrote:
I'm currently testing 802.1x with freeradius and networkmanager. It's
working very well but I've a question : Is it possible to use gnome
credentials (login/password) with eap-ttls or peap (or even with md5)
? For the moment, it seems necessary to manually configure the
credentials in networkmanager and it's problematic when you have
multiple users on the same system.

The purpose of the operation is to push different restrictions
according to the user currently logged

NetworkManager supports that secrets are provided by a "secret-agent".
Such a secret agent is a program that communicates with NM via DBUS. NM
will ask all running secret agents for the passwords it needs.

Such secret agents are for example nm-applet, plasma-nm and gnome3
control center. They all store and retrieve the password from the user

What you ask for currently does not exist (to my knowledge). I guess, it
would be possible to implement such a password provider.

But anyway, isn't it a security issue to use the login credentials to
authenticate to a network? That doesn't sound like a good idea to me.


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