Re: Using nmcli

On 20.02.2015 15:58, Garrison Ricketson wrote:
Hello all.
 Recently I had some problems, my "desktop" would not load, and I needed
to connect online, to try to re-install , how ever normally I start my
internet connection from the desktop, and had never tried this from the
command-line,which is all I had,  so I searched google, and found I could
use the command "nmcli" , but I am having trouble understanding what the
correct syntex would be, someone told me this " nmcli dev wifi con <SSID>
password <password> " but I got "syntax error near unexpected token
 I spent several hours going over some articles I found via google, but
couldn't make much sense of them. Can anyone tell me what the correct
commands would be to start neworkmanager, then connect  or activate the
device,  in this case it would have been "wlan" not wifi,..Thank you all
in advance,

From Garry

I'd looked here - nmcli/nmtui

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