Re: ANN: NetworkManager 1.1.91 (1.2-beta2) released

On Mon, 21 Mar 2016 12:48:35 +0100
Thomas Haller <thaller redhat com> wrote:

On Mon, 2016-03-21 at 01:32 -0500, Robby Workman wrote:
On Tue, 1 Mar 2016 16:10:21 +0100
Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani redhat com> wrote:
I'm pleased to announce the release of the second beta version of
NetworkManager 1.2 (1.1.91), and the same version of nm-applet,
nm-connection-editor and VPN plugins.  
3. This is related to #1. It seems as though maybe this is a
   configurable option based on the NEWS file contents, but without
   manual pages to reference, it's not clear. Essentially, we 
   (Slackware) depend on /etc/resolv.conf being a regular file due
   to the fact that everything else on our system (including our
   distro-specific networking scripts) manipulate it directly.
   Having NM replace it with a symlink to an NM-specific location
   is not desirable at all. Is there a way to configure NM to use
   /etc/resolv.conf directly instead?  
How is it supposed to work to have different components all writing to

That's never been an issue for us. If a user configures networking with
our distro-specific network scripts, then those scripts manage resolv.conf.
If a user configures networking with wicd, then wicd manages resolv.conf.
If a user configures networking with NM, then NM manages resolv.conf.

As it is now, NM will *always* update

Sure, as expected. 

Then, if you configure NetworkManager.conf with
NM will do nothing further.

That's not what we want though - we *need* NM to manage resolv.conf.

Otherwise, if /etc/resolv.conf doesn't exist or is a regular file, NM
will symlink it to /var/run/NetworkManager/resolv.conf.
If /etc/resolv.conf is already a symlink to another file, NM does
again nothing (because it assumes some other component manages

This is the problem. We want NM to manage resolv.conf, but we also want
it to leave resolv.conf manageable by other things too if e.g. the user
decides to use other things. As it stands, that won't be the case, because
/etc/resolv.conf will be a broken symlink.

I can certainly carry a distro-specific patch to restore the pre-1.2
behavior, but if it's feasible to implement another option upstream to
do that, it would be preferable.


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