Re: ethernet connection is unmanaged

W dniu 20.10.2019 o 09:40, Julian Sikorski pisze:
Hi list,

I have tried to connect my laptop to the network via ethernet for
netconsole debugging purposes. Unfortunately the wired connection no
longer appears to be functional:

$ LANG=C nmcli device status

DEVICE          TYPE      STATE         CONNECTION

wlp4s0          wifi      connected     UPC949397B_24

p2p-dev-wlp4s0  wifi-p2p  disconnected  --

enp3s0f0        ethernet  unmanaged     --

lo              loopback  unmanaged     --

Google says that unmanaged means that a connection means that NM does
not want to manage a connection listed in /etc/network/interfaces and
that a solution is to change /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf from



Unfortunately, /etc/network does not exist on Fedora, managed=false is
not present in the config file and adding managed=true does nothing.

$ nmcli device set enp3s0f0 managed yes

also seems to have no effect. Are there any other ways of figuring out
why the wired connection is not working? Thanks!

Best regards,

Hi list,

I managed to get ethernet working by uninstalling network-scripts rpm
and rebooting. I hope this helps others who encounter the same problem.

Best regards,

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